Eman نائب المدير
عدد الرسائل : 230 العمر : 44 السٌّمعَة : 0 نقاط : 200 تاريخ التسجيل : 30/03/2008
لعبة النرد المستقبل: عارضة
| موضوع: Eleven Great Ways to Reduce Stress الخميس يوليو 31, 2008 8:33 am | |
| Stress is a big challenge in life nowadays. The sources of stress are many and the helpful ways to reduce stress are also plentiful. Common symptoms of stress include skin problems, impotence, stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, fatigue, insomnia and frustration.
We don't need to set a time to reduce stress, we need to incorporate some strategies in our daily life routine to prevent stress and reduce its effect on the body.
Here are 11 simple steps we can easily take to reduce stress:
1. Define your goals: we must define our life goals and begin to achieve these goals; this action will support us against stress because we will feel that we know what our life purpose is and why, and that we control our own lives.
2. Take control of your diet: we can use simple ways in our diet plans to reduce stress by avoiding some stimulants such as coffee, alcohol, tea and sugar and we can use chamomile tea as an alternative because of its calming and relaxing effect. We need to eat slowly in a calm environment to allow our digestive system to work well. We can use honey as an alternative to sugar but in small amounts (one or two spoonfuls per day).
3. Take hot baths regularly: after a very busy day or when we feel that we need to relax (I do this three times a week). You can take a hot bath by sitting in warm to hot water and the water level should be above the waist, using lavender oil can also enhance this relaxing experience.
4. Aromatherapy: in the office you can use aromatherapy to relax and avoid stress. One of the best ways is to use lavender oil on a source of heat and take in the scent; this is a great way to relax during the day when you need it the most.
5. Exercise: This is one of the important things you can do which will reduce stress and bring happiness. When we exercise, our brains release substances which bring feelings of happiness and relaxation; we need engage in some exercise regularly such as walking, dancing or swimming.
6. Breathing techniques: Yoga, meditation and Tai Chi all use deep breathing techniques. To meditate, simply sit with closed eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Breathing deeply regularly is great for health and from there, you can learn various other breathing techniques to gain enhanced benefits.
7. Relaxation techniques and self hypnotherapy: we can easily do this after the hot bath to relax even more, simply sit or lie down in a comfortable place with your eyes closed, imagine there is a spot light above your head and concentrate on it, then concentrate on your body part by part and try to relax the body and feel the relaxation deepening -- you can also use a self hypnotherapy audio tape to help in this process.
8. Massage: this is a great way to reduce stress, I do this when other ways fail, I feel better after receiving a. You can get a professional massage or you can simply ask your partner to massage you.
9. Spiritual healing: prayers and the act of helping others are very important components for happiness and stress reduction. You will feel calmer and have a sense of inner peace.
10. Talking through your problems: talking about your feelings acts as a releasing mechanism and you will soon find that talking about your problems with your partner or best friend may help the solution to the problem come to light and will help to release blocked emotions.
11. Multivitamins: I take a Vitamin B complex regularly to decrease stress and this has been a great help in my stress reduction.
I hope that you find these suggestions helpful, my hope in sharing this information with you is that you can benefit from it. Reading about this is not enough to reduce stress, you must take action.About the author Dr. S. Tamer M.B.B.C.H, Physician, D.H.P. , D.C.M.T, S.N.H.S Dip. (Nutrition), S.N.H.S Dip. (Herbalism), I.R.F member, Reiki master, Member of the Royal Institute of Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy, Member of the Complete Mind therapists Association, Member of the International Reiki Federation | |
Dr. Wael Nabil Admin
عدد الرسائل : 490 العمل/الترفيه : رئيس مجلس إدارة مكتبة وائل العلمية السٌّمعَة : 1 نقاط : 623 تاريخ التسجيل : 20/02/2008
لعبة النرد المستقبل: عارضة
| موضوع: رد: Eleven Great Ways to Reduce Stress الخميس يوليو 31, 2008 3:01 pm | |
| كم نحتاج بالفعل إلى التقليل من حجم الضغوط علينا خاصة بعد أن زادت الصعاب في كافة الإتجاهات ونحتاج أيضا إلى عقل منبسط واعي هادئ لنستطيع الإنتقال من مرحلة إلى مرحلة بهدوء ودون مشكلة وأنا شخصيا تعلمت الكثير من هذه المساهمة الرائعة وإن كنت مازلت أفتقد الكثير للوصول إلى مرحلة الهدوء النفسي . أشكر الاستاذة إيمان على إسهاماتها المفيدة والتي أتمنى أن تعود على باقي الأعضاء بالخير واسمحي لي أن اقدم ترجمة موجزة فالدكتورة ايمان تنصحنا لكي نتخلص من ضغوطنا النفسية أن نحدد أهدافنا ونهتم بالرياضة والنظام الغذائي وان نمارس اليوجا والصلاة وتمارين التنفس وأن نحافظ على أخذ حمام ساخن بانتظام وكذلك الإهتمام بالفيتامينات الغذائية وإختيار صديق يمكنك التنفس معه أى أن نتحاور معه في مشاكلنا دون خوف | |